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PRESS RELEASE: VpCI® Packaging for Brakes and Bearings: Rust Prevention That Makes Sense!

PRESS RELEASE: VpCI® Packaging for Brakes and Bearings: Rust Prevention That Makes Sense!

While better ways exist to prevent rust on brakes and bearings, some brake rotors still reach their destination dressed in messy petroleum-based rust preventatives that are difficult for the end user to remove. Fortunately, many manufacturers have discovered the benefits of protecting brakes and bearings with VpCI® Packaging, which offers important advantages to both manufacturers and end users.

rust prevention - brakes and bearings

Advantages of VpCI® Packaging for Brakes and Bearings

The most important benefit of VpCI® Packaging is its easy method of rust prevention, which keeps brakes and bearings corrosion-free without any cleaning hassle required. All that is needed is to wrap or place the brake or bearing inside VpCI® Paper or VpCI® Film and leave it closed until the component is needed. Brakes and bearings packaged inside VpCI® Paper or VpCI® Film are protected by molecular layers of Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors, which vaporize out of the paper coating or film, condition the enclosed atmosphere, and come to rest, or adsorb, on metal surfaces so that parts are protected with a molecular barrier against the corrosion reaction. This method is completely dry, leaving behind no grease or residue for the end user to remove. Such protection can also be a significant time saver during the WIP (work-in-process) cycle, when workers traditionally have had to dip parts in rust preventatives and then clean them off between each stage in the manufacturing process. 

In the case of bearings, VpCI® Paper has the added advantage of offering a degree of cushioning and moisture absorption for components that are delicate and sometimes treated with lubricating grease. Beyond this, CorShield® VpCI®-146 (standard VpCI®) and EcoShield® VpCI®-144 (VpCI® + recyclable moisture barrier) further have the environmentally attractive characteristic of being USDA Certified Biobased Products for those concerned about the use of renewable sources vs. non-renewables.

Corrosion Protection of Brake Rotors in Action

One brake rotor manufacturer has been relying on VpCI® Packaging for more than 15 years after switching from a liquid rust preventative to CorShield® VpCI®-146 Paper to eliminate the residue. The company now sandwiches rotors between layers of CorShield® VpCI®-146 Paper during the WIP cycle. Since 2020, they follow the same format when packaging the rotors for domestic shipment, finishing the package by wrapping the pallet with Cor-Pak® VpCI® Stretch Film. Better yet, both products integrate with their automated packaging systems. Another brake manufacturer uses VpCI®-126 Blue, which it switched to after competitor VCI bags left some of their custom brake components spotted with rust. They now line bins and boxes of the brake components with VpCI®-126 Blue gusseted bags, placing the components in layers inside as they come off the line.

Rust Prevention That Makes Sense

For any brake or bearing manufacturer who wants effective and efficient corrosion protection, the use of VpCI® Packaging simply makes sense. VpCI® Films and Papers are easy to apply and easy to remove, saving worker time and hassle and accomplishing the goal of rust prevention. Cushioning, absorption, and biobased features like those of VpCI® Papers make the packaging even more attractive for certain applications. Contact Cortec® to learn more and get assistance selecting the right packaging system for your brakes and bearings.

Keywords: rust prevention, rust prevention for brakes and bearings, corrosion protection, VCI film, VCI paper, packaging for brakes, packaging for bearings, Cortec, USDA Certified Biobased Products, improve WIP cycle

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