CorShield® VpCI®-220E
VpCI®-220E Films and Bags combine the latest films technology with the most effective corrosion protection for all of your metal products. Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors in VpCI®-220E protect metal parts inside the film from all types of corrosion, including rust, tarnish, stains, white rust, and oxidation for up to 5 years.* VpCI®-220E Film and Bags can replace conventional rust preventatives such as oils and desiccants, saving time and money by eliminating the degreasing or coating removal of the past. VpCI®-220E does not contain amines, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, halogen-based materials, molybdates, or chromates. It is non-hazardous, recyclable, and made with 30% post-consumer recycled content for a better environmental footprint.
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