4119 White Bear Parkway St. Paul MN 55110 USA
Main: 651-429-1100

EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV)

EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV)

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EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV) combines the latest film technology with the most effective corrosion protection for all of your metal products. The film is mixture of high strength resins, ESD protection with ultraviolet light stabilizers (UV) and Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor Technology.

This ESD Shrink Film is unique in its ability to prevent corrosion and ESD damage. It combines multi-metal corrosion protection with strong static dissipative properties. EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV) replaces conventional rust preventatives such as oils and desiccants, allowing your product to be used immediately without cleaning or degreasing. Sealing your product in this VpCI® ESD Shrink Film will protect a wide variety of metals from rust, tarnish, stains and oxidation. It enables cost savings because EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV) will eliminate all the degreasing or coating removal required in the past. Your product can be used immediately. Additionally, it does not contain free amines, phosphates, or halogen-based materials and is non-toxic and recyclable.

EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV) effectively protects components from electrostatic discharge. It conforms to the surface resistivity and static decay requirements of MILPRF-81705 D (Static Dissipative Packaging Materials). The film is safe to use and does not contain any harmful Prop 65 ingredients. EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV) has been tested effective for up to 2 years of corrosion protection and 1 year of ESD protection.

Package and Storage: The product comes in variety of sizes. EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV) is available in custom-size film and tubing. Film is available in thicknesses from 100-250 microns. The shelf life of EcoSonic® VpCI®-125 ESD Shrink Film (HP-UV) is 1 year.

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