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Case History Spotlight #687: Transmission Preservation with CorrLam®

Case History Spotlight #687: Transmission Preservation with CorrLam®

August, 17, 2023

CorrLam® for Long-Term Automotive Parts Storage

A logistics company in Thailand had 263 transmissions that it needed to store and preserve for five to seven years. They chose to wrap and seal each transmission in a piece of CorrLam® LD VpCI® Barrier Laminate. The product was easy to use and satisfactory to the customer. As of four years into the storage period, there were still no corrosion complaints!

To read the full case history, please visit: https://www.corteccasehistories.com/?s2member_file_download=access-s2member-level1/ch687.pdf

Keywords: transmission preservation, Cortec Case History, CorrLam, auto service parts storage, prevent corrosion on metal parts, auto industry problems, Cortec, parts preservation, auto industry, automotive parts storage

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